Views in Borneo: Kucking Fort, Sarawak, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by Mr. Frederick Boyle, ...of the scenery of Sarawak, the seat of Sir James Brookes Government in Borneo...The name of "Kucking," [modern Kuching]...belongs to the town upon the river Sarawak, which is the centre of a province formerly ruled by one of the Malay Princes in virtual independence of the Sultan of Borneo. The old fort of Kucking having been captured, after a gallant resistance, by the Chinese insurgents some years ago, the building shown in our Engraving has been erected in a stronger position. This modern fort is of wood, with a deep but narrow moat round it; and contains, besides the Resident and his household, twenty-four footmen armed with rifles. It is quite capable of defence against any native force. The old fort is now the residence of the treasurer. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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