The Rhine: Rheinbeck, 1864. The very name of "the Rhine" has a magic sound, expressive of all that is lovely and romantic. It is, par excellence, the river of Europe, along whose banks are gathered the most cherished traditions of the past and no little of our apprehensions for the future. Like a monarch among waters, it speeds on its way to the ocean through a proud line of feudal towers and vine-clad mountains, enriched by its multitude of tributary streams...for tourists, who come to enjoy the beauties of its scenery, the Rhine practically means that part of the river which lies between Cologne and Mayence. Not only is it here most picturesque, but every ruined tower, island, and rock has its history and legend, and every mile of either shore had a name and importance in the days of old. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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