The Alexandra Vase, presented to the Princess of Wales by the Danish residents in Great Britain, 1864. Wedding gift ...designed and executed in oxydised silver by Mr. Ies Barkentin, himself an Anglo-Dane. The form of the vase, which with its base is 3 ft. 6 in. in height, has been studied from the purest Greek models; but the ornamentation is Scandinavian throughout, and the figures in the various groups are all illustrative of either the mythology or the history of ancient Denmark. Upon the body of the vase and its neck and handles, the most characteristic of the mythological tales of the North are indicated in groups of figures, executed in repousse work in very low relief. Here are the Scandinavian Fates, and the deities and heroes of the Walhalla, with the skilful artificer dwarfs, the battle of Aserne, the death of Balder, and other subjects of that kind...In one medallion Queen Thyra Dannebod appears superintending the building of the Dannewerk and encouraging the workers in their labour...Seated within the handles, the figures of Idun and Freia are introduced; and the cover supports a statuette of Canute, the Royal Anglo-Dane. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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