The Court at Buckingham Palace on Saturday last: arrival of the foreign ambassadors, 1864. As a memorial of the occasion, last Saturday, when our Queen, to the gratification of all her people, returned, in a manner, to public life by holding a Court at Buckingham Palace for the first time since her widowhood began, we have engraved a sketch of the arrival of the Corps Diplomatique at the gates of the palace. It is unnecessary that we should make any further remark upon a scene which is so familiar to Londoners during the accustomed season for the visits of her Majesty to this city. We can but express our sincere congratulations, and hope that the Queen, having taken this step, will recover her former health and spirits. In 1861, Albert, Prince Consort, died at the age of 42 after being diagnosed with typhoid fever. The Queen was devastated, and wore mourning dress for the rest of her life. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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