Marriage of the Count de Paris with the Princess Isabelle dOrleans: triumphal arch at Esher, 1864. ...Louis Philippe Albert dOrleans, the Count de Paris, son of the Duke of Orleans and grandson of King Louis Philippe, was married to his first cousin, Princess Maria Isabella Francesca dAssisi, daughter of the Duke de Montpensier, and niece, by her mothers side, to the Queen of Spain...After the ceremony...the young Count and Countess de Paris entered their carriage to return to Claremont, amidst all manner of festive demonstrations - cheering, and firing of cannon, and ringing of bells - in the little town of Kingston-upon-Thames. The road all the way from Kingston, through Esher, to Claremont was crowded with people; and in some places it was adorned with banners and triumphal arches, one of which, that near Esher, was of a costly as well as tasteful design...[Our illustration] is a view of this triumphal arch, with the carrriages approaching from Claremont on their road to Kingston...The guests, about one hundred in number, were entertained at breakfast under a marquee at the back of Claremont House; after which the bride and bridegroom left home to spend their honeymoon in the north of England. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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