Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Plymouth: their Royal Highnesses in the showyard of the Royal Agricultural Society, 1865. On Wednesday forenoon their Royal Highnesses [future King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra] paid a visit to the exhibition of the Agricultural Society at Pennycomequick, a well-known meadow adjoining the town of Devonport... After a short delay at the entrance, the Royal carriage moved forward amid the cheers of the populace...The Prince and Princess confined their attention to the horses and cattle...The thoroughbred horses were first brought out from their boxes, and, in the presence of the visitors, went through their usual trial. The ponies were next brought out and exercised, followed by the hunters [horses], who acquitted themselves satisfactorily. The carriage with the Royal pair was next drawn to the cattle ring, where the bulls were brought out for the inspection of their Royal Highnesses. The Royal party then proceeded to a tent, erected near the horse-ring, where they were entertained at a luncheon provided by the council. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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