Penns Machine-Engine Factory at Greenwich [London]: the Large Machine-Shop and Turnery, 1865. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. Nelson K. Cherrill of ...part of the interior of the extensive "machine-shop and turnery," where the several parts of a steam-engine are brought, from the rough forging or casting, to be shaped and finished with that nice precision which is required before they can be fitted together for use. In the middle of our View, somewhat behind, are seen some portions of the large engines (of 1350-horse power) which have been constructed for the ironclad Northumberland, a sister ship to the Minotaur and Agincourt: these engines are now ready to leave the works. The mighty lathes, which are shown to the right and left, and the slotting-machine, a little further to the left hand, will at once be recognised. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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