Inspection of the Essex Rifles (Militia) at Colchester, 1869. The inspecting officer was Colonel Farren, C.B., Commander of the Forces in the Eastern District, who was accompanied by Captain Leggett, Brigade-Major of the east wind prevailed, and there was a very small muster of spectators. The regiment was under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Kelly, the other staff officers present being Major Whitehead, Major Kirby, and Captain and Adjutant Barry. There were about 700 present, and the remainder were accounted for as follows: Band 16, on duty 14, absent without leave 24, sick 13, in gaol 9, sick for the day 9. The total number effective was returned at 791, and the number required to bring the regiment up to its full strength was 80...After drilling for about two hours, the regiment formed a hollow square, the officers taking their position in the centre. The men having faced inwards, Colonel Farren, after the usual inquiry whether the men had any complaints to make, addressed their commander, and told him aloud that the regiment had made a most creditable appearance, and that he should send in a favourable report of their efficiency. Having further inspected the permanent staff...he expressed his approval of their state. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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