Princess Louisa [sic] opening the Inner Temple New Hall, [London], 1870. The Princess wore a dress of pale blue gauze...Among the distinguished persons were the Lord Chancellor and Chief Justice Bovill... Lady Churchill, the Hon. Miss Cavendish, the Lord Chamberlain, Colonel Lynedoch Gardiner, Colonel the Hon. A. Hardinge, and Colonel Grant Gordon...The senior Benchers, barristers in their wigs and gowns, and the guests admitted to the library having formed a circle, [the Princess said:] "Her Majesty authorises me to express the cordial satisfaction with which she has learnt the completion of the beautiful building which you have erected on a site so rich in historical interest, and so long associated with the illustrious Bar of England...The Treasurer, Mr. P. A. Pickering, Q.C. invested [his Royal Highness Prince Christian] with a Benchers gown, an addition to his costume which seemed to afford some amusement to the Princess...[She] pronounced very emphatically, "I declare this hall opened". In December 1922, following the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919, Carrie Morrison was the first woman in Britain to be admitted to the roll of solicitors. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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