Trial of the Greek brigands at Athens, 1870. At the upper end...sat the presiding Judge;...on his right was the Kings Procurator or Attorney-General...The prisoners, seven in number, were ranged on the lower floor...They were all wounded, and two of them, Economos and Calomiris, being crippled, lay in litters on the floor. Their two advocates sat...near them, and they were surrounded by guards...The Greek Minister of Justice sits in the chair to the left...; Mr. Erskine, the British Minister, placed next; and the figure on the hand of this row is Photiades Bey, the Turkish Minister. Mr. Cookson and Mr. Allan are upon the raised floor behind the Judges table...The man standing...and pointing to some of the prisoners, is a witness giving his testimony...Four of the seven prisoners were to be tried for their part in the murder of our countrymen [Messrs. Herbert, Vyner, and Lloyd, and the Italian Count de Boyl];...The trial was conducted in a very fair spirit and orderly manner. The speeches of the counsel were little more than vain declamation...the prisoners were all found guilty, and all condemned to death. The prisoners seemed to hear their sentence unmoved, except the ex-monk, whose cheek was moistened with a tear. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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