Adonis vernalis; Fr黨es Adonisr鰏chen; Adonis vernalis (alte Namen) -- Familie Hahnenfu遟ew鋍hse (Ranunculaceae); Fr黨lings-Adonisr鰏chen; Adonis vernalis L.; Adonis vernalis; L.; Das Fr黨lings-Adonisr鰏chen oder Fr黨lings-Adonis; Adonis vernalis; Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Adonisr鰏chen; Adonis; in der Familie der Hahnenfu遟ew鋍hse; Ranunculaceae. Es ist in Zentraleuropa gef鋒rdet; steht unter Naturschutz.; Adonisr鰏chen; Adonis; sind eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Hahnenfu遟ew鋍hse; Ranunculaceae.; Adonis vernalis - old Names; Family Ranunculaceae; Adonis vernalis L.; 1. also oxeye; pheasant s-eye; spring adonis; 1. Adonis vernalis; known variously as pheasant s eye; spring pheasant s eye; yellow pheasant s eye and false hellebore; is a perennial flowering plant found in dry meadows and steppes in Eurasia. Isolated populations are found from Spain in the west across central and southern Europe; reaching southern Sweden in the north; with its main area of distribution being the Pannonian Basin and the West Siberian Plain. In contrast to most other European Adonis species; the flowers appear in springtime; and are up to 80 mm in diameter; with up to 20 bright yellow petals.; The plant is poisonous; containing cardiostimulant compounds; such as adonidin and aconitic acid. In addition; it is often used as an ornamental plant.; Green false hellebore; sometimes also called simply false hellebore; is Veratrum viride; a member of the lily family.; Adonis; genus of about 20-30 species of flowering plants of the family Ranunculaceae; native to Europe and Asia.

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